
Letters to the Editor

Could a newspaper save our country? Maybe

A newspaper you have never heard of is currently your best chance to read painfully honest print or digital journalism. Yes, “tip of the hat” to The Alpena News for the best source for local news, but let’s face it, the editorials and national stories from the Associated Press that ...

In 2020, Joe Biden voters’ remorse, anyone?

Democratic voters, if you’re not remorseful about voting Joe Biden for president, please tell me what you’re proud of in your choice. Is it the fact that the press, social media, big finance, big business, big tech, the intelligence community, the Justice Department, unscrupulous Democratic ...

‘Biased’ mainstream media takes on Biden?

The Saturday, Dec. 12 edition of The Alpena News contained a bonus, as it had an additional comic along with the usual colored comic section. Of course I’m talking about Justin Hinkley’s commentary where he attempts to defend the kid gloves with which the mainstream press has treated the ...

If ever time for integrity, 2020 election was it

Integrity: Doing the right thing, no matter what the personal cost. This current election has tested who we are, and who our leaders are. Was this election fair and legal? Remember that elections are local. Your elected clerks have been running them for some time. The absentee voting ...

Bergman needs to apologize for election suit

If Jack Bergman truly believes the document he signed that was submitted to the Supreme Court stating that the Michigan election results are invalid, then he needs to leave his office in January, because that makes his election also invalid. If, however, he believes he was elected in ...

Those who signed election suit should resign

Recently, 126 House Republicans threw their support behind a Texas attempt to overturn the election results in four battleground states including Michigan. Among the representatives who signed on are several members from Michigan who have just won races in the very states whose elections ...