
Letters to the Editor

Why media has been fixated on COVID-19

Unrelenting virus coverage allowed your paper and the mainstream media to fill your pages and network time slots to effectively avoid covering Donald Trump’s successes and Joe Biden’s scandals; and to use the virus to support state efforts to relax election integrity safeguards, opening the ...

Yes, the change must come from each of us

Writing to The News is always a bit of a crapshoot. I never know if I’ll be able to make my point and I don’t get to use special dice like Big Jule in “Guys and Dolls.” Still, nothing ventured, etc., as the kids (?) say. I am struck by Anne Gentry’s essay in Thursday’s News. I ...

Intelligence community absent last four years

There is a man whose second wife is a beautiful woman from a country that was a former member of the United Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR). In his business he is surrounded by and he owes significant amounts of money to Russian interests. He occupies a high U.S. governmental office but is ...

Expressing appreciation for everyday heroes

Thankfully, the year 2020 is now in our rear-view mirror. The COVID-19 pandemic brought so much pain and sadness for many and shone the light on everyday heroes that helped us get through 2020. The list of everyday heroes is endless, but workers in health care, teachers, retail, restaurant, ...

So grateful to our community in a trying year

Although 2020 has been a trying year (to say the least) for most of us, it has shed a light on what a wonderful community we live in. We welcome 2021 with a big THANK YOU to all of our customers in Alpena and surrounding communities for your overwhelming support of our business and ...

Seeking abundance of blessings in new year

“The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.” Psalm 145:8. If only we can believe, repent and trust in His all abiding presence. What a beautiful season to celebrate the gift of life, when Mary gave her “Fiat” (yes) to become the Mother of God ...