

Suicide and crisis lifeline can help

The state this week rightfully drew attention to the anniversary of the toll-free 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline that launched in Michigan in 2022. The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, previously known as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, is a 24/7 nationwide hotline made up of a ...

Echoes of history in campaigns

For those of a certain age, or with more than a woke education, the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump brings back echoes of history. Not exactly the history of the abysmal political year of 1968, which saw the murders of Martin Luther King Jr., 39, and Robert F. ...

Washington foresaw today’s issues

In President Joe Biden’s announcement on social media of his decision to not run for reelection, he ticked off the many wonderful achievements during his three and a half years in the nation’s highest office. But if things are so great, as Biden seems to think, why are Americans so ...

What assassination attempt tells America

After the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, this is what I know for sure. Gun violence can happen to anyone, anywhere and at any time. It is truly America’s great equalizer. It touches the rich and the poor. It happens at nightclubs, movie theaters, the mall, while grocery shopping or ...

Another choice on the table: Chase Oliver

Now it’s Donald Trump versus Kamala Harris. But there will be another choice on your ballot: Chase Oliver. Both Trump and former Democrat-turned-independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. addressed the Libertarian Party convention, asking for their nomination, but Oliver won their votes. He’s ...

Kamala Harris is a race hustler

Vice President Kamala Harris is a race hustler, a divider when the nation needs a unifier. If Democrats make Harris the nominee for the nation’s top job, Americans will be given a stark choice in November: between racial preferences and fairness. A President Harris would rub raw the racial ...