

Why we need birthright citizenship

It’s part of who we are. The White House executive order theoretically ending birthright citizenship grandly proclaims its purpose as “Protecting the Meaning and Value of American Citizenship.” As we’ve come to expect from this administration, the proposed change to American law would ...

The bullies and the bros take over

It’s an excellent time for bullies and bros in Donald Trump’s Washington, where the president wasted no time confirming that if he has his way — namely, whatever he wants — it’s going to be all thuggery all the time. There’s a fresh flood of new examples each day. They’re ...

What to do and not do when feeding birds in winter

Bird feeders can support Great Lakes birds when natural food sources may be scarce or buried beneath snow and during migration come spring, but it’s essential to follow safety tips to keep them healthy and prevent the spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza and other diseases. Bird ...

Trump’s epic anti-DEI order

We’re only days into the Trump administration, and we can already identify one of his top five achievements. With one carefully crafted act, the president initiated the end of DEI in the federal government and perhaps in the private sector and educational system as well. It is a ...

A Dunning-Kruger plane crash

The Dunning-Kruger Effect is in full force these days. It posits that those with less knowledge of a subject have more certainty about the subject. For example, a layman is far more certain about the big bang than the astrophysicist. The armchair aviation expert is far more certain of the plane ...

Mercy not part of Trump’s plan

The president has declared war on the nation, the nation as we have known it. — Anonymous If you ever go to Canterbury Cathedral in England, drops of blood from ages ago are still there on the altar floor. Legend has it that the Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Becket, was brutally murdered ...