

What we must learn from shooting

We now have, as we would expect, a tsunami of commentary regarding the horrible assassination attempt on Donald Trump. It is not trivial to observe that at least the good news is that just about everyone agrees what happened is very bad and not an encouraging sign about the state of our ...

Powerful monarchical presidency

Fourteen days after his disastrous debate, President Joe Biden is still in the race for reelection. Multiple elected Democrats, New York Times editorial writers and columnists, and Democratic Party megadonors -- “elites,” sneers the perceptive David Dayen -- have called on him to step ...

The country needs a fresh start

One can hardly fault Donald Trump for believing divine providence is on his side. He’s had the most impressive lucky streak in living political memory. While his debate performance was exceptional only if graded on a curve, his opponent’s was a debacle by any objective standard. Then the ...

Candidly, how are you coping?

I want to ask you, candidly: How are you doing? The last two weeks — beginning with the Biden-Trump debate when Biden looked and sounded even older than his years and Trump lied even more than usual, followed by the Democrats’ public agonizing over whether Biden should drop out, and then ...

Republicans with wind at their backs

Republicans are launching their presidential race with the wind at their backs, and it’s not because of President Joe Biden’s mental incapacity or even former President Donald Trump’s courageous, fist-pumping response to an attempted assassination. Voters are switching allegiance out of ...

Unity requires action by all of us

“ We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.” - Abraham Lincoln In the aftermath ...