
Pearson and Quarandillo married

Kathryn and Benjamin Quarandillo

Kathryn Pearson and Benjamin Quarandillo were united in marriage on May 5, 2023 at The Depot in Alpena. The Rev. James Erickson of Immanuel Lutheran Church performed the double-ring ceremony at the 4 o’clock service.

Jessica Brown served as her sister’s matron of honor, and Megan Grabow served as bridesmaid.

Ethan Quarandillo of Lakeville, Minnesota, was his brother’s best man, and groomsman was William Maurer, a U.S. Marine sergeant stationed in Oceanside, California.

“The Blessing” was sung by the bride’s cousins, Megan and Emily Grabow, of Grand Rapids. A prayer entitled “The Wedding Blessing,” written by the bride’s great-uncle Ken Wegmeyer, of Ironwood, was read during the service. The cross on the altar was handcrafted by the bride’s uncle, James Grabow, of Grand Rapids.

William Romstadt, Benjamin’s grandfather, offered the table prayer before dinner and also a tribute to Benjamin. The bride’s family sang the prayer “Be Present At Our Table, Lord.”

The bride is the daughter of former Alpena residents Parry W. Pearson III and Nancy and Steven Mattison. Kathryn is a graduate of Alpena Community College and Grand Valley State University. Grandparents of the bride are Eldon and Carol Grabow of Alpena, and the late Parry W. II and Beverly Pearson.

The groom is the son of Shawn and Susan Quarandillo of Lakeville, Minnesota. Grandparents of the groom are William and Joan Romstadt of Alpena, and Nancy Quarandillo of Elkhart, Indiana, and the late Louis Quarandillo.

A member of the U.S. Marine Corps, Corporal Quarandillo has returned to Okinawa to complete his tour of duty in Japan. Kathryn will son be joingin her husband in Okinawa.


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