

We must hold Trump accountable in the fall

Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, Donald Trump was found guilty of all 34 felony counts of falsifying his company’s business records to keep information from voters that he knew would harm his 2016 presidential campaign. Lying on official business filings is a serious criminal offense and another clear example ...

County needs a real plan if tax hike fails

Editorials and columns

Alpena County’s financial troubles have caught the attention of the state, and that ought to be a wakeup call to county leaders to craft real plans to put the county’s fiscal ship on the right path. The state recently sent the county a letter asking for answers on why the county has run a ...

I will vote no on library tax on Aug. 6 ballot

Letters to the Editor

Now it came to pass that many have no class, just brass. As a retired widow, I’ve dealt with many groups, including students, staff, and government over the last five decades and heard it all! No computer for me, I was hacked at Alpena Public Schools and not wasting my social security on ...

‘Let us reunite’ after shooting

Editorials and columns

It was deja vu all over again. One minute, former President Donald Trump is standing at a podium, delivering a message. The next, he is on the ground with Secret Service men and women all over him. I’ve seen such ugly scenes played out all too often in my lifetime. I was a news reporter ...

Religious columns welcome in the newspaper

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I’m writing in response to the letter from Molly Stepanski that was published in your paper on July 8, 2024. She stated her opinion that The Alpena News should not include a religious column, which she says is inappropriate for a community newspaper. I’d like to know why she ...

Littles teach us

Editorials and columns

Anyone I know who has grandkids will say that having the grandkids around and being able to spend time with them is simply the best, and I’ve been blessed to experience that. But, as the young kids start to become a little older and express interests in areas that match my own, well, that ...