

Could we see a Gov. Pete?

Editorials and columns

Even the most hardened Republican would have to concede that Pete Buttigieg has a political future, but could that include running for elective office in Michigan? The whiz kid Democrat who ran for president but failed is also the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana. He is now, however, a ...

Prefer no water-sewer trial, but let it end

Editorials and columns

Alpena Township’s auditors recently told township trustees they need to prepare for potential financial liabilities from an April trial that could settle the township’s years-long fight with Alpena over water and sewer rates the city charges the township. That audit was the first and only ...

Free speech has always been ugly

Editorials and columns

“If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” — George Washington “Free speech is in trouble,” famed polling guru Nate Silver stated flatly in the headline of a recent newsletter. I hate to disagree with a guru, but ...

Maintaining separation of church and state

Letters to the Editor

Dear Sirs/Madams: The separation of church and state Religion is all about beliefs and beliefs are based on current as interpreted human assumptions. We have the Bible. We have the Lutheran Catechism and its ten commandments. But, in legislating abortion we now support the new ...

Alpenans, city needs you to step up, serve

Editorials and columns

The Alpena Municipal Council is looking for Alpenans willing to step up and serve on the council. We hope to see a large number of applicants vying to fill the spot. Alpena Mayor Matt Waligora has tendered his resignation, effective New Year’s Eve. The council will on Jan. 2 name one of ...

Safety, security measures have been implemented

Letters to the Editor

This letter is to inform the Community of Hillman about some safety and security measures that have been implemented. The safety and security of our staff, students, and stakeholders is top priority for our school and with these new improvements, we believe that we are on our way to achieving ...