

Olympics for the common man

Editorials and columns

With the OIympics here this week, I finally decided it was time to get into shape if I ever held out any hope of being an Olympic athlete. Of course, everyone knows a well-dressed athlete is a successful athlete, so I dug through my wardrobe. I knew the spandex short shorts were around ...

Resist book bans at Alpena County Library

Letters to the Editor

Cashiering Alpena’s library board has won county commissioners some friends. Book banners have dropped opposition to library millage renewal, although the damage has already been done. What mystifies me is why self-appointed morality police have prevailed against the public interest. By a ...

Loving others

Editorials and columns

I just came back from a wonderful weekend. My daughter got married. I observed love from a new perspective. As I walked her down the aisle, the groom’s face was alive with emotion. He couldn’t hold back tears of joy. She responded in kind, and all those in the room could feel it. At ...

Ejecting son and father

Editorials and columns

In an earlier column, I mentioned how I had only ejected one coach ever in a regular-season high school game. Summer ball was a little different. Here is the story of me ejecting a player, followed by the ejection his coach (and also his father) on the same play. Now, this was quite a ...

FOMO leads to shopping addiction

Editorials and columns

As I slog through my daily 100-plus emails, it occurred to me that I might be an email hoarder. Which led me to think my main issue might be FOMO, which means “fear of missing out.” I sign up for every dumb promotion, every possible coupon that’s available out there, every rewards ...

Hiring new library board needs great care

Editorials and columns

The Alpena County Library board was in a tough spot. For as long as two years, many county residents had pressed the board to do something about a handful of books shelved in the children’s and teens’ sections of the library that the residents viewed as overly sexual and inappropriate ...