The shocking part of the library board story
Had I not been at the Alpena County Board of Commissioners meeting on Tuesday, July 23, I would not have believed it.
During the meeting’s “public comment” time, a community member, Dennis Schultz, offered to assist in removing the negative library signs posted around Alpena County in exchange for the commissioners’ vote to remove all current members of the Alpena County library board. This same person reminded the county Board of Commissioners that several individuals had already “identified themselves” to them as replacements for the existing library board.
Following this offer, in a stunning move, the county commissioners voted six-to-one to begin the process of removing and replacing every single member of the current library board. Was this a clear “quid pro quo” (a favor granted in exchange for something)? It appears our county commissioners capitulated to a small group of individuals rather than representing the interests of all residents of Alpena County.
Dear reader, you can judge for yourself. The video of this meeting can be viewed at The public comment section begins around the four-minute mark.
If these six commissioners violated their oath of office, abandoned all integrity and accepted a shocking, openly-offered bribe, my vote would be to remove each and every one of them and replace them with individuals capable of representing Alpena County residents in an honorable manner.