
Smalenberg deserves our vote for state House

Please vote for the only military veteran in the race, Todd Smalenberg.

Todd Smalenberg is a patriotic American who has served his country both in the military and in the private sector. He grew up in northern Michigan and is now seeking to be our state rep. Todd is pro-gun, pro-life, pro-fiscal-responsibility, and pro-freedom. Todd will help reduce the bureaucratic waste that is sucking the life out of our free market, and he will fight the rising cost of living. Most importantly, Todd will not be voting like the current rep has for Gretchen Whitmer’s corporate welfare fund that has funneled money to the Chinese battery plant, nor will Todd be missing gun votes like the current rep has. He will instead bring resources back to the district and always vote against any anti-gun regulations. If you want someone who loves his country and will boldly meet whatever challenges may come his way, please join me in voting on Aug. 6 for the former U.S. Marine, Todd Smalenberg, to be our next state representative for the 106th state House District.




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