
Please, let the professionals run our library

I am (again) prompted to write about The News using unnecessary incendiary language in their coverage. In the Thursday, June 20 story about the county commissioner and library board meeting, this sentence was delivered: “The committee wanted to know why the books, parts of which are too graphic for The News to describe in detail, ended up being purchased and placed where they are.”

Why? I would think that most books on the topic of sex education are too sensitive to be shared in a local newspaper.

Kids are exposed to so much conflicting messaging and information. All of our kids. Guides about sexuality, safety and self-image are more important than ever. If parents prefer their children not read certain materials, that is their choice (a risky one in my estimation). Others’ access should not be denied based upon that preference.

One of the books in question, “IT’S PERFECTLY NORMAL,” has the following accolades:

A NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW Notable Book of the Year


An Association of Booksellers for Children Booksellers’ Choice

An American Library Association Notable Children’s Book

Please leave the library in the hands of the educated professionals who run it. Our library benefits everyone in our community. You have the freedom of choice to steer clear of certain books. All must have freedom of choice to read.




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