
I owe an apology to Alpena schools officials

I met with the superintendent of Alpena Public Schools today and learned some encouraging news.

First, I would like to apologize to the teachers and the staff of APS regarding my indoctrination comment.

My biggest concern was the actual textbooks coming from Scholastic going into APS, as they have an overt desire to push their agenda. APS does not buy textbooks from this publisher.

I also learned that the Scholastic Book Fairs are run by a separate 501(c)3 organization made up of parents who decide where to buy books from. They can choose whom they like to provide books.

As far as the library books in the school, we agreed to use the existing APS policy for removal of books to address those in question.

He pointed out the bigger problem with unacceptable materials being read at APS is their smartphones with texting/social media with pictures, etc.

My apologies.




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