
On State of Michigan, school board and God

In reference to a Sept. 2 letter, it seems to me that the educational achievement of our children in Alpena Public Schools is minor compared to small trumped-up little issues that preoccupy many. Academic excellence, a good education, should be the focus. Instead, education is being overshadowed with these fixations and false allegations that the state is in the business of sex change operations or kids pretending to be animals. Furries is a fad, largely exasperated by the adults fixated on it, making it an issue. It is not supported or condoned by the state or APS, yet it is used by some to disingenuously bolster their bigoted views and to stir-up parental fears. The state is not playing God. State guidelines are there to provide protection of the students, since far too many exhibit less than Christian behavior for each other.

Overly simplifying an issue to either a man or woman ignores how we treat other people. Differences of size, shape, hair, skin tone, voice, etc. make up who we are. We are all different. What is an acceptable range of differences, if any? Whether LGBTQ+ or not, people are judged, labeled and treated less than they should, less than what Jesus would by “so called Christians.” Let God judge and let us treat all the way we want to be treated. Let’s put more effort into improving our students’ education.




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