
Why can’t Bergman answer simple question?

I called Rep. Bergman’s Washington office on Oct. 28 with what I thought was a simple question. I told the staff person that I spoke with that I was thinking about writing a letter to the editor of The Alpena News and I want my facts correct.

The question was, does Rep. Bergman consider President Biden the legitimate president or is President Trump the legitimate president? To my surprise, I was told that I would have to speak with the staff person’s supervisor. Are you kidding me? I have to speak with your supervisor? You’re a staff member and you can’t answer this question?

After about four minutes, supervisor George came on the line and when asked the same question, I still couldn’t get an answer. You mean to tell me you don’t know the answer to the question? Supervisor George answered “No.”

I asked George if Rep. Bergman would get back with me and was told that my request would be passed on to Rep. Bergman. I requested an email answer if possible. I’m checking my email every day and still no answer. Maybe someone else may have better luck. Rep. Bergman’s Washington office number is 202-225-4735 and his Traverse City number is 231-944-7633.

I think in a democracy, voters have the right to know the political views of their representatives. I am disappointed that Rep. Bergman still has not answered this question. I am asking other concerned citizens to urge Bergman to be more transparent with those he represents.




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