
When will the criticism be enough?

When will it be enough? I and fellow conservatives have been bombarded over the last several years with false accusations from the far left of being racist, misogynistic, homophobic, yupping dummies, etc. etc. etc. Instead of viewing us as the loyal opposition with different views on how to achieve the “American Dream” for all our citizens, we are perceived as evil. No different view is to be tolerated. We are preached to about our lack of morality by people who actively support infantcide, euphemistically referred to “a woman’s right to choose.” Besides being abhorrent to any rational, feeling human being, infantcide was forbidden in a document brought to us by Moses and dictated by God. Although this document was written thousands of years ago, its tenets remain unchanged even in these contemporary “woke” times. One might say God is an originalist.

Now as a graduate of Catholic schools, I stand with those accused of having a head filled with preconceived notions, incapable of independent thought, of being unreal and therefore unfit to serve. Maybe, not even human? I ask again, when will it be enough?

The river vitriol flowing from the far left runs deep and sometimes it washes over us in shouted hate speech and riots and sometimes its tributaries reach out and catch us unaware.

God bless America and please be patient with us.


Presque Isle


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