
Sad students knew nothing of founding father

In the April 25 edition of The News, syndicated columnist Walter Williams wrote about nearly 3,500 protest signatures at George Mason University asking for the firing of U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh was hired to co-teach a course called Creation of the Constitution in Runnymede England, explain how much the Magna Carta influenced the founders of our nation.

I spent a seven-year effort to get a U.S. Postage stamp issued for George Mason, the founder of our Bill of Rights. Thomas Jefferson once termed Mason “the wisest man of his generation.” And Patrick Henry called him “the greatest statesman I ever knew.” Only a stamp showing Mason’s home, Gunston Hall, had been in issued in 1958. Mason was a neighbor to George Washington at Mount Vernon.

On May 7, 1981, a George Mason stamp was issued. Sometime after the issuance of the stamp, we visited George Mason University. There were many souvenirs, such as T-shirts, coffee cups, etc., for sale, with the image of the new stamp imprinted on them. After purchasing several items, I asked the student sales person at the sales booth if they knew who George Mason was. She replied that she did not know. It was depressing to know that a student at George Mason University knew nothing about this great founding father. Is it any wonder that students attending many of our most prestigious educational institutions have no idea of what has made America special?

It was heartwarming to note in your April 25 edition that Mrs. Winter, a fifth-grade teacher at Besser Elementary School, had hosted a student research project about historical figures. The lack of American history education has resulted in protests to free speech and disregard of our U.S. Constitution throughout our nation. Wake up, America!




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