
Conklin would be a just judge for PI County

Remember the parable of the unjust judge in Luke, Chapter 8? This man neither feared God nor had respect for people, until a determined widow brought him to heel. Ever wonder how such a bad actor became a judge in the first place? Probably because no one checked his record!

This year in Presque Isle County, we will elect a new probate judge. This court oversees disposition of property of deceased persons, appoints guardians for those no longer able to care for themselves, handles family law cases, and discharges many other sensitive legal duties.

A probate judge must be an experienced, talented, and highly ethical lawyer.

Of the three candidates running for this position, Katy Conklin is unquestionably the best qualifed. As CEO of Hope Shores Alliance, she has shown commitment to women and children facing domestic violence, date rape, stalking, and other types of abuse. As a practicing attorney, she has been appointed to key positions by the Michigan State Bar. She also teaches other attorneys how to try domestic violence cases. Katy has a spotless record and has always observed the high ethical standards expected of (but not always delivered by) Michigan lawyers.

But don’t take my word for it. Go online and search for “Katy Conklin Michigan.” You will find lots of information about Katy’s long and honored record of service to women and to the law. And while you are at it, do the same search on her two rivals, “Erik J. Stone Michigan” and “Kenneth A. Radzibon Michigan.” The people of Presque Isle County do not need an unjust judge! Rather, we must elect a person of demonstrated talent and unblemished past performance. That person is Katy Conklin.


Presque Isle


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