Most outdoorsmen have their favorite go-to stories they love to tell, and, if you get a couple of avid outdoorsmen together, the stories can go on and on.
One adventure leads to another, which reminds someone else of another story, which reminds another of their “one time …” ...
I decided that the tales of my officiating ought to fit with the season. Thus, I will be relating baseball/softball stories in the next month or two.
But, before that, I need to have you enter the mind of a sports official.
Almost without exception, we do it for the love of the game, to ...
The current U.S. House of Representatives is broken beyond repair.
This past week, a small group of Republicans tried their best to oust the relatively new speaker of the House, Mike Johnson.
They believed he committed the ultimate political sin.
What sin is that, you might ask.
It ...
One thing at a time, we suppose, but we’d like to see the Northeast Michigan Materials Management Authority board follow through quickly on some of the plans officials have proposed in recent years, including curbside recycling pickup and glass recycling in Alpena County.
Currently, Alpena ...
Just as the rare and beautiful dwarf lake iris blooms only for a short period of time in mid-May to early June, spring is here and gone in the blink of an eye.
I’m a spring baby, born in May. It’s a season of growth and renewal. A season of hope.
We look forward, all winter long, ...
In my line of work, I get to interact with hundreds of employees, mostly at small to medium-sized businesses in small and medium-sized towns.
The people with whom I’ve interacted range from entry-level employees to CEOs and business owners.
In over nearly 20 years of interactions, ...