
Editorials and columns

Why on Earth did I save this?

As I’m sitting down to write this article, I don’t even know where I am going with it. But, more and more, as I work with people, and looking at my own life, I find it interesting what we save of our stuff, especially things that are packed away in boxes and aren’t seen unless we go ...

Hospice needs your help

Those receiving hospice care need your help. Hospice steps into provide care when people near the end of their life, and hospice agencies count on volunteers to guarantee that care is the best it can be. Volunteers might read with patients or just spend time sitting and talking. The ...

Paid leave right thing to do

At some point in all of our lives, we will find ourselves in a situation in which we need to step away from work to recover our own health or to care for a person we love. When my grandfather had to enter home hospice care many years ago, I was fortunate to be working for an organization that ...

Dems’ ‘come to Jesus’ session

Anybody who watches the comings and goings of the state Legislature sort of perked up the other day when members of the “progressive” Democratic caucus published their list of priority items for the rest of the fall session. In and of itself, it was not an earth-shattering event, but it ...

Contemplating sports, heroes

I contemplated heroes this week. I’d like to think that, if I had the chance to interview anyone, I would not be starstruck, even if it were Michael Jordan or Tom Brady. We are all humans and are more alike than we care to admit, so I tell myself there isn’t anyone who would faze me to ...

Remembering area ‘dive bars’

I recently read a feature story on Rogers City’s Cash’s Lakeside Inn. The local watering hole, which was in operation for decades, closed in 1959. Historical accounts stated it was a well-known dance hall featuring big bands from Chicago and Milwaukee. Last year, the bar’s contents ...