
Thanks to all who gave their all for us

America, she sure has her problems, but without a doubt she remains the best nation on the planet and that is in no small part because of the numerous freedoms we enjoy.

Freedom of expression. Freedom to assemble. The right to bear arms. A free and independent press. The right to a fair and speedy trial. The right to petition the government and air our grievances.

The first sentence of this editorial is an expression of the freedoms we enjoy.

And we owe all of those freedoms to the brave men and women who have gone into battle on our behalf to protect America’s ideals and way of life.

On Monday, we’ll honor those brave men and women as we celebrate Memorial Day.

An estimated 1.3 million Americans have died in war, beginning with some 25,000 who sacrificed their lives in America’s first war for her independence from Great Britain.

Enjoy a hot dog and a beer and the company of friends and family. Enjoy the beach and good music and the day off of work.

But make sure amid that revelry that you take a moment to doff your cap, cover your heart, and offer a moment of silent and solemn thanks to those who gave their all so you could have it all.



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