
Give us our gas tax holiday, already

The state Senate has passed a bipartisan measure to pause the gas tax and sales and use taxes on fuel between now through Sept. 15.

The state House needs to pass the measure without delay.

As of this writing, the gas prices in Alpena ranged between $5.03 and $5.09, according to GasBuddy, and that unbelievable price comes on top of higher prices for everything else.

The Senate-passed proposal would save customers roughly 50 cents per gallon as soon as gov. Gretchen Whitmer signs it, and we need that relief now.

According to the Detroit Free Press, the measure would cost roughly $800 million in lost state revenues, but the state’s sitting on a big surplus now and can afford to provide Michiganders relief at the pump.

The issue has been batted around the state for weeks, and it’s time to get this settled.

We call on the state House to pass the Senate-backed measure and send it to Whitmer, and for Whitmer to sign it.

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