
PHOTO GALLERY: Alpena shut out again

News Photo by Leslianne Johns Alpena High School’s Thorin Rogers braces for a tackle while carrying the ball during the Wildcats’ 51-0 loss against Marquette in Alpena’s home opener on Friday night at Wildcat Stadium in Alpena. The Wildcats lost their season opener at Ludington 67-0.
News Photo by Leslianne Johns Wildcat Eric Eades runs during Alpena High School’s 51-0 loss against Marquette on Friday at Wildcat Stadium in Alpena.
News Photo by Leslianne Johns Alpena High School’s Kaleb Werth kicks off the ball during the Wildcats’ 51-0 loss against Marquette in the Wildcats’ home opener on Friday at Wildcat Stadium in Alpena.


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