
Nonpartisan groups leading Northern Michigan tour

Two nonpartisan organizations, Keep Our Republic and Michiganders for Civic Resilience, have partnered together for a Northern Michigan Community Conversation Tour, which will stop in Alpena on Thursday, Aug. 29. The program will be from 5:30 to 7 p.m. in the Granum Theatre at Alpena Community College.

The purpose of the tour is to offer residents a deeper understanding of the elections process, and detail what happens after voters cast their ballots.

Former Michigan House Democrat Leader Christine Greig and former Michigan Republican Senator and House Representative Tonya Schuitmaker, both representatives of Michiganders for Civil Resilience, along with Keep Our Republic representatives, are hosting conversations with Kent County Clerk Lisa Posthumus Lyons in five Northern Michigan communities: Traverse City, Cheboygan, Alpena, Marquette, and Escanaba.


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