
New, green technology introduced in Rogers City

Courtesy Photo A completed Granulation Basin from 2023 is being loaded onto a barge at Port Calcite in Rogers City.

ONAWAY – Moran Iron Works (MIW), a leading fabrication facility specializing in custom design and engineering solutions, announced the award of another significant contract with SMS group for the fabrication of two granulation basins. These basins each weigh an impressive 164,000 pounds and stand 59 feet high and 21 feet in diameter. The basins serve as an integral portion of the process, provided by SMS group, where blast furnace slag is granulated, helping to decarbonize the cement industry as a superior-quality and lower carbon emission replacement for more traditional Portland-style cement. This new, green technology offers a high value and quality for its reuse while significantly lowering the carbon footprint across the industry.

The project, initiated in January of 2024, utilizes the High-Wire Corridor to assist in moving the basins to Rogers City Port, and from there, they will be loaded onto a barge for shipment to their new home on the Great Lakes.


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