
DHD4 struggles to find school health staff

News File Photo The public health nurse’s office in Hillman High School is seen on Oct. 13. The office has been set up since the picture was taken, but with the resignation of the former public health nurse in December, it may be vacant for a while.

ALPENA — District Health Department No. 4 has been searching for a new public health nurse for Hillman Community Schools since the beginning of January, proving a challenge for the Health Department.

The former public health nurse was hired on Oct. 13 but resigned at the end of December, taking the staff for the School Wellness Program to zero.

At its July meeting, the Health Department Board approved the Hillman School Wellness Program, which provides funding for the Health Department to hire two grant-funded health workers who will work in the school district.

The Health Department has also been searching for a social worker for the wellness program, but since the grant money was received around the same time as the former nurse’s hiring, none have been found.

Kendra Bartz, human resources director of the Health Department, said that the Health Department hopes to fill in the jobs before April 1, as the School Wellness Program requires coverage of Hillman Community Schools at some level.

According to a wellness program document, if the deadline is not met, budget amendments may be required.

Bartz said that a major hurdle to getting more applicants is the lower pay.

“We don’t pay anywhere near as much as some of the other private practices,” Bartz said. “We’ve had a few applicants for the registered nurse position, but it’s more about getting the right fit. Public service is a job of the heart and we need to find someone who wants to help these kids.”

According to the website NurseJournal.org, the average hourly registered nurse’s salary is $36.51. On indeed.com, the average hourly social worker’s salary is $34.86.

According to postings submitted by the Health Department, the public health nurse’s salary changes by the degree status of the nurse. The public health nurse position requires an associate degree in nursing — although a bachelor of science in nursing is preferred — and a license to practice as a registered nurse in Michigan.

In the same job post submitted by the Health Department, the social worker must be fully licensed in the state and have a master’s degree in science, a reliable form of transportation, and a preferred one year of experience in providing community health in pediatric services.

An Associate Degree-prepared nurse will receive $24.48 per hour, increasing to $25.89 after finishing the probation period. A Bachelor’s Degree-prepared nurse will initially receive $25.24, then $26.61 after the probation period.

The social worker will receive $26.44, then $27.54 after the probation period.

In a previous report from The News, Kelly Girard, nursing director of the Health Department, said the public health nurse will help to assess sore throats, potentially injured students, and other medical problems. The social worker would help students who need mental health support.

Girard said Hillman schools currently have mental health support, but she hopes the Health Department and social worker can improve what is already there.

Anyone considering submitting a resume and cover letter should send them to Kendra Bartz email, kbartz@dhd4.org.


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