
Sunrise Side Throws and Vault Clinic held in Alpena

Courtesy Photos The Sunrise Side Throws and Vault Clinic was hosted last Saturday at Thunder Bay Junior High. Nearly 20 athletes from seven different schools joined for a day of learning and growing in shot put, discus, and pole vault. Alpena/Grand Valley State alum Alec LeTourneau guided pole vault instruction alongside fellow Grand Valley Alum Lexie Guerra, and Alpena/Ferris State alum Trevor Roznowski led shot put and discus instruction alongside current University of Michigan thrower Eli Winter and recently graduated AHS student-athlete Natalie Koproski.  Attendees were taught proper technique progressions, cues, and drills to propel them in their ongoing track and field careers. These athletes took away some ideas and drills to add to their training for the upcoming year.


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