Alcona County Library hosting property fraud prevention programs
Alcona County Library will host property fraud prevention programs in Lincoln and Glennie.
Protect Your Property: Learn About Property Fraud Prevention will be held at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 12 at the Lincoln branch, 330 Traverse Bay Road, Lincoln. Call 989-569-8177 to register.
The same program will be held at 2 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 13 at the Curtis Township branch, 4884 Bamfield Road, Glennie. Call 989-735-2601 to register.
Join Melissa Cordes, Alcona County Register of Deeds, to discover what information is stored in the Register of Deeds office and how you can proactively guard against property fraud.
Agent Orange Riders Chili Cookoff Feb. 15
ALPENA – Agent Orange Riders will host their fourth annual Chili Cookoff on Saturday, Feb. 15 at VFW Post 2496 on Connon Street in Alpena.
The event is open to the public. Registration for the competition will be from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., with a $10 entry fee.
Chili judging will take place from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., open to the public, for $10 per person.
The event will include a multi-item raffle, two 50/50 drawings, and all the chili you can dare to eat.
The VFW bar opens at noon.
Proceeds from this event will go toward birth defects research for children of Agent Orange victims.
Nesting Birds program Thursday at Grand Lake Library
The Grand Lake branch of Presque Isle District Library will host a presentation on Thursday by Bill Grigg titled Nesting Birds of Thompson’s Harbor Along Old State Road.
The presentation will be held at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday at the library, 18132 Lake Esau Highway, Presque Isle.
In case of inclement weather, the backup date is 1:30 p.m. on Feb. 20. Call the library at 989-734-2477, ext. 2, or check their Facebook page for updates.