
Thankful for my life

I like mornings. Dawn sounds rise up with the startling delicacy. The first light spreads across the fields like something holy is happening. Soon, the chirping of the birds arguing over who should be first in the feeder breaks the silence. I think about Thanksgiving, which happens to be my favorite holiday, and how much I am thankful for.

1. My family. They make my heart overflow. I love my children, my siblings, all my grands, and my siblings’ children.

2. The “Up North” that I live in. I can no longer think of any other place I would want to be.

3. The critters in my yard and the pets in my home.

4. The fact that, at 81, I can still do almost everything I want to do.

5. Chocolate … enough said.

6. Neighbors who are kind and pleasant to be near. They do me more favors than I can count.

7. My Association of Lifelong Learners friends who have not forgotten me.

I could continue, but maybe it is enough to just say Thank You and a Happy Thanksgiving to all!


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