
Long Lake Improvement Association dedicates tree in memory of Fred Woolman

Courtesy Photo The Long Lake Improvement Association recently planted a red maple tree in memory of Fred (Doc) Woolman at Long Lake County Park. Pictured, from left to right, are Jim Stark, Simon Duthler, Bronwyn Woolman, Oliver Duthler,Tom Ludwig, and Ken Kreichelt.

ALPENA — In celebration of a life well lived, the Long Lake Improvement Association recently planted a red maple tree in memory of Fred (Doc) Woolman (July 13, 1942 — May 11, 2024). Fred was a long time veterinarian and Long Lake Improvement Association Board Member.

May the roots of this tree spread strong and grow deep, just as his love did for every soul he touched.

Pictured are his wife of 56 years, Bronwyn Woolman, grandsons, Oliver and Simon Duthler and Association Board members Tom Ludwig, Ken Kreichelt, and Jim Stark.

The tree is planted at the Long Lake County Park.


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