
First Presbyterian stocks ACC’s food pantry

Courtesy Photo First Presbyterian Church of Alpena’s Mission and Education Committee includes, from left, Tom Brindley, Committee Chair Karen Brindley, ACC Dean of Students Nancy Seguin, and the Rev. William Rayment. Committee members not included in the photo include Doris Feys, Val Furman, Diana Standen, and Debby Edgar.

ALPENA — Members of the First Presbyterian Church of Alpena recently conducted a food drive in support of Alpena Community College’s student food pantry. More than 40 bags of nonperishable food items were collected and donated to the college to help students facing hardships.

In January of 2018, ACC opened its food pantry in a direct response to a growing need to combat student hunger. Faculty and staff were seeing hungry students every day and many staff members kept extra food on hand in their offices to assist hungry students.

“Food insecurity is a barrier to college success for many students’ ability to concentrate, their mental and physical health, and their academic success,” said Dean of Students Nancy Seguin.

Six years later, this special initiative continues, making this vital service available to ACC’s students. The pantry is located in the Besser Technical Center, next to room 120. The pantry isn’t staffed, and students can enter any time during normal school hours. Pantry items are also available to students at the Huron Shore Campus in Oscoda.

“We try to keep the experience anonymous and we trust that students take only what they need,” said ACC Foundation Interim Executive Director Penny Boldrey.

The food pantry helps ensure that all students have access to adequate food, regardless of their economic situation.

ACC’s food pantry runs solely on donations and carries nonperishable food items, basic toiletries, and hygiene products. Anyone interested in donating items can contact Boldrey at the ACC Foundation at 989-358-7297 or email boldreyp@alpenacc.edu.


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