

Aid by the Dozen met

ALPENA — The May meeting of the Aid By the Dozen was held at the 19th Hole. Carole Kelly was the hostess

President Catherine Murphy celebrated her birthday with a cake provided by the club. The cake was shared, and songs were sung.

The monthly donation went to a local group to feed children. Friends Together thanked the club for the donation that was tripled last month. Marlene Montie sent cards to many. Secret pals receiving gifts were Geri Skiba, Carole Kelly, Lori Zeller, and Leora Jacobs. Cakes were won by Geri Skiba, Mariette Jore, and Brook Cousineau, who attended as a guest. Brook also won the hostess gift, along with Chris Dubey.The evening ended with Carole passing out gifts and dessert to all.

The next meeting will be at 5:30 p.m. on June 26 at the 19th Hole, hosted by Tammy Daleski.

Alpena Garden Club met

ALPENA — The Alpena Garden Club held its monthly meeting at Alpena Community College.

The treasurer’s report was read, and the chairman of each garden reported on the newly planted gardens in the city.

After reports were made, the fun began. Kaye Breckenridge, who is moving, was showered with blessings from all. She gave a very interesting talk about her future plans. Goodbye to a very fun, hardworking member.

Jean Stewart rejoined the club — welcome, Jean.

Catherine Stedman spoke on the success of the garden sale held recently.

A raffle was held and the members won house plants.

On committee this month are April Rondeau, Lois Trudeau, Linda DeWyre, and Kathy Hoppe.

The Alpena Garden Club always welcomes new members. Come and join this fun and educational group.

CCHS Class of 1960 to meet

ALPENA — The Catholic Central High School Class of 1960 will meet for dinner at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 19 at The 19th Hole.

All classmates and guests are invited to attend. We will discuss plans for our 65th reunion next year.

Those planning to attend should notify Jane Helinski at 989 595-6168 or jahelinski@hotmail.com.


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