
Cantorial soloist to visit Temple Beth-El on Saturday, June 22

Cantorial Soloist Marci Lyn Shulman

ALPENA — It is with great pleasure that Temple Beth-El Alpena announces a visit from a very talented cantorial soloist.

On Saturday, June 22, Temple Beth-El’s Shabbat service will be led by Cantorial Soloist Marci Lyn Shulman. Since 1976, Marci has blessed various temples in the West Bloomfield area with her warm personality, beautiful voice, and humble spirit. She has also appeared as guest soloist for the Birmingham/Bloomfield Symphony Orchestra featuring music from “Phantom of the Opera,” “Les Miserables,” and “Oliver.”

Presently, Marci serves as the cantorial soloist at Temple Beth Israel in Bay City for the Jewish High Holidays. She also tutors Hebrew and volunteers for the Jewish Federation of Metro Detroit. In addition to serving various congregations, her “greatest joy was volunteering at senior assisted residences for Shabbat services and visiting hospice patients at their homes,” a sign of her very caring heart and strong sense of community.

Marci and her husband, Dr. Marvin Shulman, will soon celebrate their 54th anniversary and are blessed with two children and two grandchildren.

Temple Beth-El hopes you will join them for a very special Shabbat service on June 22. Seating is limited, so please call 989-595-3544 for reservations and important information. Marci Shulman’s visit is sponsored in part by the generosity of the Ravitz Foundation Initiative for Michigan Small Jewish Communities as well as donations by Temple Beth-El members and friends.


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