
Peace event Sunday

ALPENA — The Alpena Peace Community, Temple Beth-El, and Grace Lutheran Church invite the community to a peace event on Sunday, featuring a conversation between a pastor and a rabbi on the topic: “How do we cultivate a world of peace?”

The free event will take place from 4 to 6 p.m. on Sunday at Grace Lutheran Church, 119 W. Dunbar St., Alpena.

Led by Pastor Tom Orth and Rabbi Howard Morrison, Part One will cover Jewish and Christian overviews, and Part Two will focus on challenges in contemporary times.

There will be light refreshments. Attendees are welcome to bring a nonperishable food item for Grace Lutheran’s Little Food Pantry.

This event is sponsored in part by the generosity of the Ravitz Foundation Initiative for Michigan Small Jewish Communities.

For more information about the Alpena Peace Community, email alpenapeacecommunity@gmail.com, or see Alpena Peace Community on Facebook.


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