
Sending supplies to hurricane victims

News Photo by Darby Hinkley Youth at the Boys and Girls Club of Alpena pack buckets full of cleaning supplies to send down to help the survivors of Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton.

ALPENA — Youth at the Boys and Girls Club of Alpena packed buckets full of cleaning supplies on Thursday to send to victims of Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton.

“We are putting together cleaning buckets for the organization called DRAW, which stands for Disaster Relief at Work,” said Alicia Hawley, director of the Youth Volunteer Corps at the Boys and Girls Club. “They have been distributing buckets to all of the survivors of Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton. They have been receiving multiple requests that they need the cleaning supplies now, to clean their houses after the flood and try and get them back on their feet. We have chosen to do 10 cleaning buckets to try and help in any way we can.”

The buckets are being distributed to the DRAW location in Waterford today. A truckload of 400 buckets will head south this weekend.


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