
Spring is just around the bend

Senior Attitudes

“Just love everyone, I’ll sort them out later.” ~ God.

I like that statement. It is my core belief. We must love everyone, even those we don’t like much. I’m closer to the end of my days than the beginning. I have learned some things as the years sped by.

People are basically trying to be good. But, sometimes, evil slips into a person, like the apple in Eden. We are all tempted to anger, but we must learn to control our anger before it turns to hatred.

As I look out my window, I see my dog running on top of the frozen snow. The snow I fall right through.

The sun shining onto the snow is truly beautiful. I cannot imagine living anywhere I can’t see all the varieties of our weather.

I love this winter, but a part of me is perusing the nursery catalogs. I am busy daydreaming and planning my garden. Will I, this year, race the season and see my tomato plants freeze, as has happened before? On the first nice day, my hands are itching to be in dirt. Good sense and past experiences don’t seem to weigh much when I’m in the gardening mood. Lovely flowers, ripe tomatoes, I go to bed dreaming of big red juicy tomatoes or strawberries.

Ah, I must wait. Not easy for me. Those who know me know patience is not my virtue, and I have daughters with the same failing. They blame me, but I try to push it off onto their father. I can hear him laughing and saying, “Don’t blame me, I put up with your impatience for 50 years, darn it!” Don’t you hate it when your partner is correct?

Enjoy winter. Spring is coming, and so are ripe tomatoes.


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