
Lions welcome guests from MyMichigan Medical Center

Courtesy Photo Ann Diamond, left, and Laura Hoffman, both from MyMichigan Medical Center Alpena, spoke at Tuesday’s meeting of the Alpena Lions Club.

ALPENA ­– The Alpena Lions held their first meeting of 2024 on Tuesday.

The Lions welcomed Ann Diamond and Laura Hoffman of MyMichigan Medical Center of Alpena. The purpose of their visit was to promote and to thank the Alpena Lions for their service in support of the Gift of Giving.

Every year, the Alpena Lions manage a booth at Art on the Bay to inform and sign up people in support of the Gift of Giving Program. Thousands of people benefit from organ donations, which is the goal of this program. From heart transplants to skin and bone grafts, donor participation in the Gift of Giving program aids many Michiganders. Just last year, over 9,000 cornea donations were made in Michigan through the Gift of Giving program. You can sign up to be a donor when you renew your driver’s license and participate in the Gift of Giving Program.

The Alpena Lions Club meets weekly on Tuesday at the First Congregational United Church of Christ. For more information about the Alpena Lions Club, visit the Alpena Lions Facebook page or the Alpena Lions website at alpenalionsclub.com.


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