
Girard and Bartlett announce engagement

Brian Girard and Allie Bartlett

Alessandra Bartlett (A.K.A. Allie) and Brian Girard announce their engagement.

The bride-to-be is the daughter of Justin and Nicole Bartlett of Bonita Springs, Florida. The future groom is the son of Glen Girard and Connie Cohoon, both of Alpena.

Allie is a 2016 graduate of Hillman High School. She is currently enjoying her role as a full-time home parent for her 2-year-old son, Kacey. Brian is hoping to have enough children for a hockey team.

Brian is a 2013 graduate of Alpena High School. He is currently employed as a school bus driver for Alpena Public Schools and works nights at Meijer and Jimmy Garant’s Party Store.

The couple will exchange their wedding vows on Thursday, Sept. 15, 2022 at The Depot in Alpena, surrounded by friends and family.


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