
Pearson and Quarandillo to wed

Benjamin Quarandillo and Kathryn Pearson

Kathryn Pearson of Alpena and Benjamin Quarandillo of Kalamazoo, Michigan, announce their engagement.

Kathryn is the daughter of Parry Pearson of West Branch and Nancy and Steve Mattison of Owosso, formerly Alpena residents. She is the granddaughter of Eldon and Carol Grabow of Alpena. Kathryn graduated from Alpena High School, Alpena Community College, and will graduate from Grand Valley State University in April 2023 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Studio Art.

Ben is the son of Shawn and Susan Quarandillo of Lakeville, Minnesota. He is the grandson of William and Joan Romstadt of Alpena, and Louis and Nancy Quarandillo of Elkhart, Indiana. Ben is a 2018 graduate of Lakeville South High School, Lakeville, Minnesota. Corporal Quarandillo is a United States Marine currently serving a three-year tour in Okinawa, Japan, and is working toward his college degree.

The couple is planning a May wedding in Alpena.


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