
Alpena Golf Club Early Birdies


Low Gross Score:

Flight A Betty Eastway 47

Flight B Mary Kneeshaw 52

Flight C Jeanne Rasmussen 60

Low Net Score:

Flight A Betty Eastway, LaRae Rutenbar, Jeanne Graichen 37

Flight B Mary Kneeshaw, Janelle Pilarski, Sarah Fox 34

Flight C Jeanne Rasmussen 34

Low Putts:

Flight A Donice Z. Berna 14

Flight B Marry Kneeshaw 15

Flight C Patt Huggler 14

Chip-ins: Mary Kneeshaw #11, Sandy Lethbridge #16

Game 1:

Flight A Better Eastway, LaRae Rutenbar 32

Flight B Janelle Pilarski 33

Flight C Sandi Lethbridge 42


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