
Local cheer teams place in national competition

Courtesy Photo The Division 3 team, Alpena Virtue, hit club zero and placed third at CFA Nationals in Grand Rapids on July 30. Pictured left to right are: Raeleigh Smith, Zoey Guy, Jaylah Frank, Kiera Tanner, Ashlyn Lobert, Allison Kellar, Chloe Burnham, Jayden Johnson, and Rayna Romel.
Courtesy Photo The Division 7 PIA Legends (Presque Isle / Alpena) placed second at NYAA in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina on July 18. Pictured left to right are: Allyana Gonzales, Jasmine Werner, Jayden Savage, Isabella Hill, Savannah Kamyszek, Chloe Lawrence, Anna Misiak and Amiya Gonzales.
Courtesy Photo The Division 5 Team PIA Legacy took first place, earning a national championship and hit club zero (no stunt or tumbling falls) at CFA National Competition in Grand Rapids on July 31. Pictured left to right are: Sarah Brown, Emmalyn Dingess, Aria Wagner, Skylar Rhoades, Nevaeh Smith, Brynna O’Connor, Riley Miller and Morgan Bruning.


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