
Thunderstruck Tournament Results from July 23-24



231 Fusion 14, Cheboygan Chaos 0

Thundercats 12U 7, PI Panthers-Muckle 5

PI Panthers-Hyde 6, Northern MI Legends 4

231 Fusion 15, Thundercats 12U 0

Cheboygan Chaos 14, PI Panthers-Hyde 2

Northern MI Legends 12, PI Panthers-Muckle 0


Cheboygan Chaos 11, Thundercats 12U 5

Northern MI Legends 11, PI Panthers-Muckle 1

231 Fusion 13, Cheboygan Chaos 1

Northern MI-Legends, 8, PI Panthers-Hyde 3

Championship: 231 Fusion 8, Northern MI Legends 0



231 Fusion Steimel 14, HC Thunder 14U 4

Thundercats 14U 16, PI Panthers-George 4

231 Fusion Tiesworth 6, NM Legends 3

USA Pride 7, HC Thunder 14U 0

TC Waves 4, Fanatics 1

231 Fusion-Steimel 5, Thundercats 14U 1

231 Fusion-Tiesworth 12, PI Panthers-Haselhuhn 0

PI Panthers-George 8, USA Pride 7

Fanatics 10, NM Legends 3

TC Waves 8, PI Panthers-Haselhuhn 1


Fanatics 5, USA Pride 14U 3

NM Legends 10, PI Panthers-George 6

TC Waves 6, HC Thunder 14U 3

Thundercats 14U 7, PI Panthers-Haselhuhn 4

231 Fusion-Steimel 8, Fanatics 5

231 Fusion-Tiesworth 10, NM Legends 0

231 Fusion Steimel 10, TC Waves 6

231 Fusion Tiesworth 14, Thundercats 14U 1

Championship: 231 Fusion-Tiesworth 12, 231 Fusion Steimel 4

16U/High School


Ogemaw Outlaws 12, HangTuf 2

Cheboygan Chaos 7, Thundercats 1

USA Pride-Mammel 7, Blue Sox 2

Huron Havoc 9, PI Panthers-Tulgestke 6

Petoskey Blaze 3, Midland Lady Explorers 2

HC Thunder 6, Foster Oilers 3

NM Legends 30, Cards Fastpitch 8

Outrage 18U 10, USA Pride-Benson 0

PI Panthers-Marlett 7, Krash 18U Green 2

HangTuf 10, Thundercats 2

Ogenaw Outlaws 14, Blue Sox 0

PI Panthers-Tulgestke 7, Cheboyan Chaos 3

Petoskey Blaze 9, USA Pride-Mammel 8

Midand Lady Explorers 6, Huron Havoc 5

Foster Oilers 10, PI Panthers-Stanton 1

HC Thunder 11, Cards Fastpitch 1

PI Panthers-Marlett 15, NM Legends 1

USA Pride-Benson 11, Krash 18U Green 1

Outrage 18U 8, PI Panthers-Stanton 0


Petoskey Blaze 6, NM Legends 5

Krash 18U Green 10, HangTuf 4

Cheboygan Chaos 5, HC Thunder 3

Huron Havoc 10, PI Panthers-Stanton 2

PI Panthers-Marlett 8, Thundercats 3

Midland Lady Explorers 10, Cards Fastpitch 1

Foster Oilers 9, Blue Sox 1

USA Pride-Benson 3, USA Pride-Mammel 1

Ogemaw Outlaws 9, Petoskey Blaze 1

Outrage 18U 7, Krash 18U Green 0

PI Panthers-Tulgestke 5, Cheboygan Chaos 4

Pi Panthers-Marlett 5, Midland Lady Explorers 3

Huron Havoc 8, Ogemaw Outlaws 5

Outrage 18U 7, Foster Oilers 1

USA Pride-Benson 8, PI Panthers-Tulgestke 3

PI Panthers-Marlett 7, Huron Havoc 3

USA Pride-Benson 3, Outrage 18U 1

Championship: PI Panthers-Marlett 14, USA Pride Benson 6


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