
Rockport’s future deserves full conversation

Recent articles discussing the Michigan Department of Natural Resources’ plan for the development of Rockport State Recreation Area have downplayed the depth and complexity of the published plan, which has now closed for public comment.

Two recent articles in The Alpena News, along with the follow-up survey asking readers whether they think Rockport should be developed or not, have left out important context, like the specific details of the plan, the demographics of survey respondents, and what “development” means in both the survey and to those responding.

I don’t believe this was intentional, but it is still important to recognize that these omissions may limit a broader understanding of the conversations taking place within our community.

Rockport is a special place. Whether you come to hike, mountain bike, ride equestrian trails, swim, fish, hunt, trail run, fossil hunt, or simply take in the natural beauty, the park offers a unique experience. Its nearly 4,000 acres of diverse landscapes include a rugged shoreline and striking rock formations to peaceful old-growth forests, making Rockport unlike anything else in our region. It’s no surprise that there are equally diverse opinions about Rockport’s future.

It’s crucial for the community to engage with the full scope of the plan, to ask questions, and consider what perspectives may be missing from the conversation. Discussions are far from over. Many community members remain in communication with the DNR regarding next steps, and there are still opportunities for meaningful input.

Whether through online discussions, community meetings, or direct engagement with decision-makers, there is room for everyone in shaping the future of Rockport.

I encourage residents to educate themselves, get involved, and help ensure that the long-term impact of any development, whatever form it takes, is carefully considered for both the park and our community.




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