Countries ruled by dictators don’t fare well
President Donald J. Trump has accomplished the impossible. Still in power after more than eight years, since Jan. 20, 2017. Proving that he never really lost the 2020 election, as he has just been inaugurated into a third term of presidential power. This creates an authoritarian leader that stands above the law and the Constitution of the United States. As he proudly boasts, “You will never need to vote again.”
Please understand that countries under control of an authoritarian leader of recent world history have not done well. The question becomes, “When and how do we ever get rid of him?”
Adolf Hitler — Holocaust; Bashar al-Assad — Assad regime, Syria; Benito Mussolini — National Fascist Party; Benjamin Netanyahu — the loss of Israeli democracy, Palestinian ethnic cleansing, and “the list goes on …”*; Donald J. Trump — the loss of American democracy, the end of freedom of choice in religion, retribution, cryptocurrency, and “the list goes on …”*; George W. Bush — war in Iraq**; Hidei Tojo — Sino-Japanese War; Joseph Stalin — Bolshevik Revolution; Pol Pot — Khmer Rouge; Vladimir Lenin — Russian Revolution; Vladimir Putin — Rebirth of the U.S.S.R., war in Eastern Europe, and “the list goes on …”*
* Are just beginning — currently in power, active criminals, expanding on their lists of continuing debauchery, and entirely redoubtable.
** The Presidential Powers Act
Presque Isle