
Vote yes on library’s property tax proposal

I am writing to the community in support of the Aug. 6 election at which the Alpena County Library is seeking a renewal of the current (not to exceed) 0.7462-mill library millage for 10 years. It is not an expansion; it will not increase your tax bill. It is the base operating money for the entire library system, which yields approximately $842,000 annually and, without it, the library cannot function. Not to be an alarmist, but, without the millage dollars, the library would likely close at the end of the current calendar year. Not opinion, just fact.

I love the library, not only for books and traditional services. I love that it is a community center. I love the extras it brings. I have attended lectures, concerts, poetry readings, and workshops. It’s a quiet, cool place in summer and a warm place in winter to just get away and read a magazine, write a letter or curl up with a book. It’s playdates for toddlers, Saturday afternoons for kids, and an afterschool meeting place for teens to study. My grandson loved the free, afterschool coding club. These aren’t services you can Google or find online. Many services, all ages, all free, provided by you, and for you.

We have a state-of-the-art, beautifully renovated facility that is the pride of Alpena. When I was mayor, I frequently took groups of visitors on tours of the area. I always included the library and guests were so impressed with the quality of the facility, especially for such a small town. We must do everything we can to keep it operational. This election, turnout is critical.

Every vote counts. Mark the date. Complacency could close the library. Thinking it is safe without your vote could close the library. Please don’t let that be you.




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