Is there a crisis at the US border or not?
Which is it, Rep. Jack Bergman and MAGA Republicans? Is there a crisis at the U.S. southern border or not?
Senate Republicans and Democrats came to a rare consensus agreeing on a sweeping immigration bill. A bill which if passed in the GOP-controlled House and signed into law would address a generation of legislative neglect by both parties. Passage in the House should have been a slam dunk. Wrong!
Donald Trump, fearful that the bill’s passage, would make President Joe Biden look strong on border protection and likely help Biden’s reelection chances, called for the House to reject it. Trump and House Republicans admitted as much publicly. Now Jack Bergman and other MAGA bobbleheads are killing perhaps what might be the last chance at meaningful immigration reform and border protection.
Which is it, Jack? If the border is truly in crisis as you and your peers claim, then vote to pass the bill. If not, then stop whining about the border and let this problem fester for another generation.
Joe Lukasiewicz,