
Both political parties have failed so miserably to protect life in US

For some people, the only exercise they get is jumping to conclusions. So it is with Cathleen Bower’s letter to the editor dated June 13. Cathleen, I’m sure you mean well, but your assumptions and incorrect conclusions that I hold the GOP blameless for the ills of society, including the abortion issue are absurd. Both parties have failed miserably in leading this once great nation, and by no means is the Republican Party exempt from owning up to the national travesty of terminating the life of the unborn. You may also want to readdress your data from the CDC. A footnote stating that the data collected by the CDC is strictly voluntary and that the most prolific abortion providers fail to contribute any data would be appropriate.

Sadly, our nation collectively no longer values life. This is no more apparent than when one objectively considers the billion-dollar abortion industry. Modern science clearly has proven that life begins at conception. One must ask at what point is terminating a life acceptable. Outside the abortion issue, the answer would be a resounding “never,” yet inside the abortion issue, the answer is a bit muddled. If one endures the litany of social ills Ms. Bauer lists, is it then acceptable to terminate a life? Does choice or convenience trump morality?

The answer isn’t clear to some, because we as a society no longer have a moral authority in which to base our decisions upon. What is a travesty to one is acceptable to another. Ever since we removed God from our public schools and our society, we have witnessed a decline in morality in our culture. Is government now to be our moral authority?

When a nation no longer values life, it no longer has a foundation in which to build a cohesive society upon.


a constitutional conservative,



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