
We need a real, working child care proposal

It’s hard to believe how behind our country is on access to high-quality, affordable child care. More than half of all Americans live in child care deserts and, for those who can access care, the cost is more than other major household expenses, including housing. Families can’t afford to pay any more for child care, yet the early childhood workforce is already paid low wages.

But what’s President Donald Trump’s solution? Let’s make it harder for families to afford care AND roll back safety standards!

The president’s budget includes significant cuts to programs that help working families living paycheck-to-paycheck. And his child care plan only pays lip service to what parents really need by rolling back common-sense safety regulations — like covering electrical outlets! — that keep kids safe.

No parent asked for that! This isn’t a solution, just a bigger mess.

We can do better. Our congressional leaders need to ignore this ridiculous Trump plan and support real solutions, like the Child Care for Working Families Act! This bill invests in quality AND improves affordability to make sure all families can afford high-quality child care, and that the workforce earns a living wage.


Presque Isle


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