
I, too, say no, no, no to gas tax increase

I totally agree with Mike Dotsch’s letter to the editor (March 9). Alpena is a small town of mostly senior citizens living on fixed incomes. We have all experienced an increase in living expenses lately and are wondering how we are going to live out our retirement without living in poverty.

On top of everything else, now they want to raise the tax on gas when gas is high enough without the increase.

This letter is also in response to Edwin Olsen from Posen (March 2). I am in agreement with everything in your letter.

Also to Mr. heller, who suggests we should all agree to that, when his not living on a fixed income. How about if Michigan asks Ohio how they keep their roads in tip top shape. Evidently, they are doing something right.

Now they want all these millages passed. I say, good luck with that.

We all talk about these things with each other, but we need to make our voices heard and ask our politicians to find the monies elsewhere.

I believe if they dig deep enough, they will find it, maybe in the uninsured motorist fund? Check that out, folks.




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