
Supplements are a healthy addition to diet

According to the Healthcare Professionals Impact Studies, 72% of physicians, 73% of orthopedists, 57% of cardiologists, 75% of dermatologists, 79% of nurses, 95% of nurse practitioners 86% of pharmacists and 96% of dietitians report personal use of dietary supplements.

Why? Perhaps they read the largest and longest randomized controlled trial of multivitamin/mineral “vitamins” conducted to date, the Physicians’ Health Study II, found a modest and significant reduction in total and epithelial cancer incidence in male physicians.

Mayo Clinic recommends vitamins, “Adults age 50 or older should eat foods fortified with vitamin B-12, such as fortified cereals, or take a multivitamin that contains B-12 or a separate B-12 supplement. Adults age 65 and older should take 800 international units of vitamin D daily to reduce the risk of falls.”

Even the National Institutes of Health recommends taking nutritional supplements, “Scientific evidence shows that some dietary supplements are beneficial for overall health and for managing some health conditions. For example, calcium and vitamin D are important for keeping bones strong and reducing bone loss; folic acid decreases the risk of certain birth defects.”

In an ideal world, people would get all the nutrition they need from local, organic food. While I am a frequent buyer at our local farmer’s market, they only have fresh food in season.

Most people will never eat as good as they should and find doing so prohibitively expensive in terms of the cost of their time (meal planning, shopping, preparation, cooking, clean-up) and money (have you purchased a grocery cart full of healthy food lately?).

The bottom line: If I can get any reduction in cancer by taking vitamins, I’m going to study to find the best ones I can, and take them … and I have been doing so for 57 years.

Kirk C. McAnsh, DC


Founder and Director

McAnsh LIFE-ENERGY Institute


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