
Editorials turned out to be more of the same

I was encouraged when first reading your call for a return to respect and integrity to the political arena. I then had to assume you were only being facetious. You know, pulling a few liberal legs or perhaps rubbing some salt in our wounds. After all, you have spent the previous eight years ridiculing, demeaning and criticizing everything President Obama did, said, or tried to accomplish. As for respect, you could not even bring yourself to address him by his proper title of President Obama.

It was and still is just “Obama.” Your message of disrespect toward the president was obvious to any of us who could get through one of your diatribes.

Now that your team is in charge, we should all gather for a group hug and sing Cumbia. Please excuse our skepticism as to your sincerity.

P.S. The ink was barely dry on your call for civility when you chose to use your space to trash Hillary Clinton as nothing more than a sore loser.

Thomas Splitt



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